Domestic Mediation Fees

Registration fee

Non-refundable - Kshs 5,000 payable at the time of filing the request


Mediator's Fee

(i) Sum of Kenya Shillings (KES) 5,000/= for any time spent in mediation below and up to one (1) hour;

(ii) Sum of Kenya Shillings (KES) 15,000/= per mediation session. (a mediation session is equivalent to time spent in mediation above one hour and not exceeding three (3) hours); and

(iii) Sum of Kenya Shillings (KES). 1000/= per hour for review of documents and related works.


Administrative Cost

To be advised by the Centre and payable by the parties pursuant to rule 19(2) (b), (c), (d) & (e)