Beijing International Arbitration centre & Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • Promote ADR in settling disputes arising from Africa-China transaction
  • Establish China-Africa Joint Arbitration Centre Guiding Committee
  • Set up respective working group for building the China-Africa Joint Arbitration Centre(CAJAC) and appoint contact persons
  • BAC/BIAC to establish CAJAC Beijing and NCIA to establish CAJAC Nairobi
  • Working group to promulgate uniform CAJAC Rules
  • Adopt Panels of Recommended Arbitrators
  • Mutually promote dispute resolution services and model clauses of CAJAC Beijing and CAJAC Nairobi
  • Cooperate on training of arbitrators and dispute resolution lawyers in China and Kenya 

Nominated 15 arbitrators/Mediators from NCIA’s Pannel to CAJAC Centre


Shenzhen Court International Arbitration & Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • Promote ADR in settling disputes arising from Sino- African transaction
  • Set up respective working group for building the China-Africa dispute resolution mechanism and appoint contact persons.
  • Working group to provide solid basis for cooperation between CAJAC Nairobi and CAJAC Shenzhen
  • Cooperate on training of arbitrators and dispute resolution lawyers in China and Kenya
  • China-Africa Joint Arbitration members.CAJAC) established.
  • NCIA designated as CAJAC Nairobi Centre
  • CAJAC Rules developed.
  • Model Clause for CAJAC Rules developed.
  • Proposed CAJAC website approved by members.
  • Guiding committee meeting held on 29th January 2021 via Zoom
  • CAJAC invited and participated in the 1st National ADR Conference organized by the Centre in 2018


Shanghai International Arbitration Centre


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • Adopt Panels of Recommended Arbitrators
  • Set up respective working group for building the China-Africa dispute resolution mechanism and appoint contact persons
  • Working group to provide solid basis for cooperation between CAJAC Nairobi and CAJAC Shanghai
  • Cooperate on training of arbitrators and dispute resolution lawyers in China and Kenya

Nominated 15 arbitrators/Mediators from NCIA’s Pannel to CAJAC Centre


Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • Promote arbitration and other ADR techniques through joint capacity building events (workshops, seminars, symposium), organization of international conferences and publication of research.
  • Provide each other with relevant information, advice or contacts; commit to jointly conduct academic and policy papers, practical research and studies and equip libraries with ADR documentations and publications.
  • Undertake at least one exchange visit between the organizations.
  • Use office premises of either institution upon the terms & conditions to be agreed upon when need arises.
  • Mutually cooperate to achieve the goals of African Arbitration Association
  • Undertake any other activities as agreed by both parties.
  • AfGAC (African German Arbitration Cooperation) training held on 11th and 12th November 2024 in which judges and lawyers were trained on certain topics on Arbitration. The Centre collaborated with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce to obtain local trainers and to source for participants as well as offer logistical support to the German team


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-Kenya Branch

jointly with

Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution


  • Offer technical support from collective membership to improve policy, legal and regulatory framework on ADR
  • Use meeting premises of either institution upon terms & conditions agreed upon when need arises
  • Share on reciprocal basis the Panel List upon terms & conditions when the need for appointment arises
  • Use dispute administrative services of the Centre
  • Collaborate to promote use of ADR through constructive engagement with other stakeholders
  • Reciprocal arrangements for participation, recognition and accreditation of CPD programs, trainings & events
  • Disseminate information on availability on each institution’s website, newsletters and other media
  • Undertake any other activity as agreed upon by parties

  • NCIA exhibited at the third Mediation Conference of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-Kenya, held on October 25, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency in Nairobi to promote the use of ADR


Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration  to promoting ADR


  • Facilitate the discharge of respective functions with an aim of promoting ADR KNCCI to create awareness of the Centre to its members KNCCI to reach out to its members to include NCIA Arbitration and other dispute resolution clauses in all their commercial contracts NCIA to assist KNCCI members in creating awareness through training, seminars, workshops and meetings at the convenience of parties.
  • NCIA engaged Kenya National Chamber of Commerce representatives in Kajiado, Samburu, Turkana and West Pokot counties on ADR and areas of collaboration


The Law Society of Kenya


Nairobi Centre for Internal Arbitration


  • Offer technical support from collective membership to improve policy, legal & regulatory framework on ADR
  • Use meeting premises of either institution upon terms & conditions agreed upon when need arises
  • On reciprocal basis share Panel List upon terms & conditions agreed upon by parties
  • Use dispute administrative services of the Centre on terms & conditions agreed upon when need arises Collaborate to promote use of ADR through constructive engagement with other stakeholders
  • Reciprocal arrangements for participation, recognition and accreditation of CPD programs, trainings & events
  • Disseminate information on availability of reciprocal services on each institution’s website, newsletters and other media
  • Undertake any other activity as agreed upon by parties
  • Cooperation agreement is not legally binding

The Centre held a collaborative webinar with LSK Coast Region titled on August 21, 2024, titled “Drafting an effective Dispute Resolution Clause”


NCIA exhibited during the Legal awareness week held at Milimani Law Court from 


The Kenya Private Sector Alliance


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • Support promotion of Mediation as dispute resolution mechanism through structured awareness and sensitization programmes for KEPSA members.
  • Facilitation for provision of facilities where Mediation can be undertaken by KEPSA members.
  • Promote NCIA as a leading Centre for provision of alternative forms of dispute resolution services including rules of procedure, technical support, case management and customized hearing venue.
  • Training and information sharing to enhance the capacity of private Mediators within KEPSA.
  • Creation of a fast-tracked mechanism through which the private Mediation Settlement Agreements reached by the parties who subject their disputes for resolution at the Centre are adopted and enforced by the courts in terms of Section 59D of the Civil Procedure Act.
  • Joint advocacy on areas of Mutual Interest. Enhance access to partnerships and networks of mutual interest.
  • Parties will convene meetings to review progress against the areas of cooperation outlined above.


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration &

International Senior Lawyers Project


  • Through which ISLP provides legal support to the NCIA, according to ISLP’s Mission, on certain matters with which NCIA requires external legal assistance.
  • The nature of the legal support provided by ISLP may include, and isnot limited to international and comparative legal research, legislative review and drafting support, and general capacity building consistent with ISLP’s Mission and areas of expertise.
  • NCIA participated in a tribunal secretary training organized by ISLP and held virtually on 3rd and 4th September 2024 in which the Manager, Case Management department gave practical insights into the Kenyan practice.


Energy Disputes Arbitration Center


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration


  • To establish a framework for the parties to join their forces in the promotion of arbitration.
  • To record the willingness of the parties to collaborate on leg on legal matters that mutually benefits the parties’ combined expertise and resource. Exchange information and publications on arbitration and other forms of ADR either electronically or hard copy. Recommend to each other suitable individuals to serve as arbitrator on particular case upon request.
  • Include the model arbitration clause of the other party on their web pages to raise awareness.
  • Make participants in their respective proceedings aware of the availability of the facilities pursuant to this MOU in context of a particular dispute. The parties will endeavor to cooperate in the organization of conferences, Lectures, and seminars and publications on arbitration.


The East Africa Law Society of Kenya (EALS)


Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA)

31st March 2023

  • To develop a positive and mutually beneficial relationship in different fields including the following:
  •  Policy and Legal Reform.
  • Alternative hearing & Training facilities.
  • Sharing of Panel List
  • Institutional Case Administered Process.
  • Promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
  • Recognition and Accreditation.
  • Other activities as agreed by both parties in furtherance of agreed shared objectives; not limited to marketing and business development and any assistance to other ADR institutions particularly those existing within East Africa.

Participated and supported Nairobi Arbitration Week 2023 as a media partner by sharing NAW2023 flyers on their social media platforms


HongKong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)


 Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA)


19th September 2023

  • The Parties agree to consider the possibility of jointly coordinated activities in the form of:
  • Conferences, workshops, trainings, or other events on topics related to international arbitration and/or other means of dispute resolution; and
  • Research on various topics for publication and/or preparation of other materials on topics related to international arbitration and/or other means of dispute resolution.
  • The Parties agree that the terms of any joint activities will be subject to subsequent agreement on specific terms. The Parties may introduce and collaborate with other partners in such joint activities and are not restricted in any way from engaging in other activities with the same aims with other partners or alone.
  • To the extent practical, the Parties agree to exchange plans and schedules for conferences and/or events that they are organising that may be of interest to the other Party and to consult with the other Party when finalising plans to conduct a major conference or event in the other’s jurisdiction.
  • This Agreement is not intended to be an economic burden on either party. For specific actions, the corresponding development shall be agreed by means of a specific agreement or annexed to this document, where the reciprocal obligations shall be stipulated, where appropriate.

Collaborated with NCIA towards the success of Nairobi arbitration week 2023


Hamburg Chamber of Commerce




Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA),


Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC)




Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA)


  • Exchange of ideas and development of innovative solutions to support the shared objectives of the Parties, including the use of shared online portal for filing and registering cases, reporting of awards, availability of rules of the institutions and directions, sharing of arbitrators lists and how to achieve best practices in business and dispute resolution services, to streamline and optimize the delivery of arbitration and other dispute resolution services. 
  • Grow knowledge and skills among the Parties through training of various stakeholders of the Parties such as lawyers, arbitrators, judges and case managers as well as promote other means on the operation, facilities and benefits of all the Parties. 
  • Share research and insights into applicable regulations, stakeholders and procedures for the benefit of the Parties and their potential users. 
  • Work together with other third Parties through separate MoU's or agreements to develop a pipeline of dispute resolution practitioners through higher education institutions and learning programs.
  • Exchange information to help create awareness about the Parties and their services in order to build trust and visibility to a larger customer base. 
  • Together engage third parties where necessary to work on law reforms that may support the promotion of arbitration and dispute resolution services and this cooperation.
  • Create joint quality standards on scrutiny of awards, arbitral procedures, arbitral awards and regular institutional statistical reporting. 
  • As far as possible, jointly promote diversity of underrepresented professionals by gender, young professionals and inclusion of other professionals. 
  • The Parties shall exercise their best efforts to further develop their relationship, by ways including, but not limited to marketing strategies, meetings, exchange programs of staff, courtesy visits and/or workshops on an ad hoc basis as mutually agreed by the Parties. 

AfGAC (African German Arbitration Cooperation) training held on 11th and 12th November 2024 in which judges and lawyers were trained on certain topics on Arbitration. The Centre collaborated with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce to obtain local trainers and to source for participants as well as offer logistical support to the German team.  

NCIA with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Women in ADR, held a breakfast meeting on November 13, 2024, on expanding opportunities in African women in ADR globally and building capacity through workshops.