Retired Judge Mary Ang’awa
A career Judicial Officer for 35 years(13 years as a Magistrate and 22 years as a Judge of the High Court of Kenya) Judge Ang'awa holds a Master of Laws, degree (2005) and a Bachelor of Laws degree (1979) from the University of Nairobi. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya(1980), was Secretary to the Commission of Inquiry into the Insurance Industry(1986-1988), Chairperson of the Rent Restriction Tribunal(1989-1991) and a Commissioner with the Advocates Complaints Commission(1991-1993).
Judge Ang’awa is now retired from the bench.
Judge Angáwa is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2000), the Eisenhower Fellowship (1998),and a visiting Fellow of the Federal Judicial Centre, Washington DC (1998). She is an Accredited Mediator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators(2016). She has been Chairperson of both the Kenya Women Judges Association (2005-2010) and the Jurisprudence of Equality Program (2001-2005), a human rights program on gender laws. She is a Trustee of the President's Award Kenya (A Duke of Edinburgh International Award). A Trustee of the Junior Golf Foundation.
She is also an active tutor with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Kenya Chapter in their Introductory Courses held for Arbitration and Mediation